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Recover your quality of life and your self-esteem.

Smile again with MALO CLINIC.

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Recover your quality of life

and your self-esteem.

Smile again with MALO CLINIC.

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+ 350.000


Over 28 years of existence of our dental clinic, we have treated more than 350,000 patients.

+ 160.000

Complex Cases Perfomed

We are a world reference in the area of implantology and dental aesthetics.




We have a clinical team of excellence organized by specialties.

Pioneers All-on-4®
25 years of

We hold 5 patents and have more than 100 published scientific articles.

Medical Specialities

We have the most diverse specialties of dentistry to provide you with complete and detailed care

Assessment Consultation

Make your assessment consultation with MALO CLINIC now.


Rehabilitation of one or more teeth through the placement of dental implants.


Replacement of missing teeth through dental prostheses.


Fixed braces and / or invisible braces.


Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Pediatric Dentistry

Oral health of children and adolescents.

About the clinic


Since its founding, MALO CLINIC has based its path on a set of differentiating factors that were decisive for its success and for it to assume an important role in Oral Health internationally:

Innovation & Research

Highly Qualified Team

Excellence in Services

Trainning of Professionals

We create smiles that change lives

Garrett McNamara

Garrett McNamara

"This spirit of resilience has been running through my veins since a very young age and it was very inspiring to identify this same "mind set" that exists at MALO CLINIC. Not only are they unstoppable, they are also unique in the Art of Creating Smiles."

Chef Kiko Martins

"A smile is the main ingredient in the recipe for happiness. And MALO CLINIC has the unique ability to generate happiness through the smiles it creates and the lives it transforms."

José Raposo

"Smiling and making people smile, on stage and in life, is a unique feeling!

"Thank you, MALO CLINIC, for the Art of Creating Smiles!"

Book your appointment now.

A reference in

Solving Complex Cases

MALO CLINIC has an internationally recognized and referenced multidisciplinary team, composed of highly qualified dentists with more than two decades of knowledge and research, whose experience allows the resolution of complex cases.

Pioneers in  All-on-4®

MALO CLINIC is a pioneer in the All-on-4® Treatment Concept, which allows placing all fixed teeth in just one day, through the placement of only 4 implants that support the fixed prosthesis.

Without the need for bone grafting, 
the All-on-4® surgery takes between one to two hours and, a few hours after placement of the implants, the fixed dentition is placed, identical to the natural dentition.

Dramatically reducing the number of implants and, consequently, interventions and avoiding bone grafting, 
All-on-4® is less expensive and can be performed in people with heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.

For cases of severe bone loss (almost total) of the maxillary bone we have also developed the 
All-on-4 Zygoma technique. 

Whatever your condition is, at MALO CLINIC you will find a clinical team prepared to give you the best and most advanced treatment available worldwide.

  • High success rate

    Compared to traditional methods, the All-on-4® technique has very high success rates, scientifically proven for over 18 years.

  • One single attendance

    The surgical procedure and placement of the fixed dentition occur on the same day after surgery.

  • Less invasive

    It eliminates the need for bone transplantation and therefore is a less invasive surgery.

  • Short term

    It is a simplified surgical procedure of short duration, between 1 to 2 hours.

  • More patients

    Allows treating patients with diabetes, osteoporosis or other health conditions

  • Natural teething

    You won't notice the difference, the fixed denture will look and function like the natural dentition

  • Easy maintenance

    It is easy to handle and clean, which allows for effective oral hygiene

  • Less expensive

    Avoids bone transplantation, reduces the number of implants and reduces surgery time

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